Saturday, November 27, 2010

villiam vordsworth is cannon boi

I post this merely to show how hilarious I am.
So, I am writing an essay about William Wordsworth and whether or not he belongs in the literary canon, and the title of this post is what I put as the title for my paper.  I am so funny!
I wish I was cannon boi, too.
If you, my loyal, my loyal readers, if you wanted to grant me my deepest desire, you would start calling me "Cannon Boi."


  1. I don't completely understand what you wrote here...but I just want to say how much I love the picture of you and tang :)

  2. Hey Cannon Boi,
    I like how you kiss your fish. Clark Gable would find it classic. You've got finesse.

  3. Jamie, thanks for Tang.
    Ben, thanks for calling me Cannon Boi.
