Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is God?

What is God?
 God is found in every Good thing.
God is the cracking light flitting through 
bundles of golden-blue plumes.
 God is the movement of life- the way things 
spin, the way they weave, the way they jump, 
the way they dance.
God is trees. He is the absolute green 
in front of the backdrop of grey, 
leaves lifting from the earth, reflecting light to Heaven.
 God is a cool, dark pillow on a breezy 
summer night. He is drowning in comfort. I had 
to write that slow because God is life.
God is a pattern, a thousand threads woven 
together to pull your eyes up and down 
and in and out, to unite eye and spirit, 
joining them through the heart.
 God is finding what you are looking for.
God is a bent-legged, poised spider. 
He is 
beautiful close up and frightening when far away.
 God is tracing light in the sky, with 
beams so tight there is no direction to go 
but up, carrying glory in tow, shedding glory in wake.
God is Good.


  1. I am printing this because I like it so much. That's all.

  2. Thanks, Jamie. I think it's the most pure thing that has ever come out of me. I like it, too :)
