Thursday, January 6, 2011


I have always thought it was strange when people took pride in their names.  Mine has never really meant anything to me.  I was not named after anyone, and the name Zachary was just beginning to become popular when I got the name- so I had no "Great Zach" to look to and take pride in.  And Johnson?  Ha.  Ha.  Open your phone book and look at the "Johnson" section.  You might be able to save an entire rain forest worth of paper by not including the "Johnson" section in even a single phone book.  You think I'm exaggerating?   Just look at it...

Anyway, the point is that my name really hasn't meant anything to me- no great Zachs and no great Johnsons (you could possibly argue for the original black power ranger for the Zach part and maybe Michael Johnson or "Magic" Johnson for the Johnsons, but, meh, I won't).  But I think this is good.  I think that a lack of something to draw pride from, in regards to my name, has given me a blank canvas to work with.  I can give my name meaning.  I can make it great, even if it's just in my eyes.  And you know, lately, my name, Zachary Johnson, has sort of started to mean something to me.  It's not (haha the first time I typed that I actually wrote "It' snot" hahaha oops...snot...) just some letters and sounds all strung together.  My name's taking on a color.  And a shape.  And new additions to its meaning are added whenever I sign my name to the bottom of writing that has shaped the way I think.

So this is an entirely vain post.  It was meant to sound deep and stuff (haha), but it just sounds forced and weird.  Sorry.  Take this from it- I actually like my name.  Maybe that means I like my self?

 The Grand, Chartreuse, Eloquent, and Beholden Zachary Johnson


  1. Haha you did really great with the whole "deep post" idea until that little bit at the end after Love....
    But I like this post anyways :)

  2. Liking yourself is one of the best feelings in the entire world. Also when you said your name was taking on a "color" and "shape", I totally thought of the color and shape of snot, because you had just talked about snot. hah.
